Jim Albertson
8th Degree Master Instructor
National Karate Director
Mr. Albertson’s dedication to excellence has earned him the position of National Karate Director along with NK Grand Masters Mr. Worley and Mr. Carnahan. He is responsible for conducting advanced testing and black belt screenings, maintaining high standards for students.
Jim Albertson was eighteen years old when he began his karate training in January of 1979. He was promoted to first degree black belt by John Worley and Larry Carnahan in July 1981. He began teaching that same year and in 1984 opened his first National Karate School in Burnsville. His dedication to excellence earned Mr. Albertson the position of National Karate Director, along with NK Master Instructors Mr. Worley and Mr. Carnahan. Mr. Albertson was promoted to seventh degree black belt in 2007. He currently owns four NK schools in the metro area. Mr. Albertson has the distinction of winning National Karate’s overall top male competitor title three times, and has won many Grand Championships both in form and in sparring. In 1991, Mr. Albertson represented the United States in team kickboxing in London, England. He has competed in every Diamond Nationals since 1979, the tournament’s second year. Mr. Albertson’s dedication and self-discipline have benefited other areas of his life. He has been a swimmer since high school and began running in 1981 to get into shape for his black belt test. He expanded his training to bicycling, and competed in his first triathlon in 1985. Since then, he has competed in approximately 60 triathlons. In addition, Mr. Albertson has also run three marathons and is an avid snowmobile racer. Many of National Karate’s top black belt holders and competitors were trained under Mr. Albertson’s direction, including 1994 Diamond Nationals Black Belt Form Team Grand Champions, James Quinn and Nathan Gallup. Mr. Albertson is responsible for conducting advanced testing and black belt screenings and plays in integral part in maintaining the National Karate standards for advanced and black belt students. He and his wife Kim, who holds a fourth degree black belt, and their four children make their home in Apple Valley, Minnesota.