Ms. Julie Gadient earned her 3rd degree black belt in 2015. Ms. Gadient really appreciates her enthusiastic students who make her role as the director of the Sartell National Karate School exciting and challenging. Ms. Gadient likes challenges, and she challenges herself to try to help each student realize their full potential. “Karate teaches people how to be successful and competent and this allows my teaching to impact every walk of my student’s lives.”
Ms. Gadient realized the importance of karate training by learning the value of training first hand. She started karate as an adult, single mom with two boys ages 6 and 8. “The boys wanted to take karate, and I am a perfect example of how karate training is good for any age and ability. When I learned I COULD become a black belt and started working to achieve that goal, I experienced tremendous personal growth. Karate helped me go from being unsure of myself to confident and assertive. I want to pass this lesson on to each of my students and help them become the best, strongest, confident individuals they can be.”