With over 25 years training and teaching experience, Mr. McDonough currently holds the rank of 5th degree black belt. Mr. McDonough has a strong competition background, participating in two sponsored competition teams – Team United and Side Kick International. Several students of Mr. McDonough’s have reached top rankings including world champion titles.
“Tournaments are great fun and they’re the sport aspect of what we teach. You can go all the way to black belt and beyond not ever going to a tournament, but I highly encourage giving one a shot! They’re a total blast for all ages and belt ranks and the experience is tremendous!”
In 2013, students of the Cottage Grove location won the class A Forms Championship and the National Karate School Spirit Award!
“The attitudes and school spirt at Cottage Grove NK are unbelievable! I’m not even sure how to put in words how proud I am of all of you! Keep it up!” – Mr. McDonough